Beloved ones, we are so grateful you would like to share at Heart of the Rose this year.

Applications will open on March 11th and will close on April 8th.

We then hope to be in touch with everyone by the beginning of May.

There will be 6 main tents/spaces at Heart of the Rose this year…

‘Gaia’ Wisdom Keeper Space - Nature Connection, Creativity and Earth-based Wisdom

‘Mary Magdelene’ Womb Wisdom Space - Sacred Sexuality + Womb Cyclical Wisdom

‘Mother Mary’ Rose Heart Wisdom Space - Non-dual, Awakening + Rose Heart Wisdom

‘Quin Yin’ Intimate Healing Space - for workshops under 20

‘Isis’ Live Music and Dance + Movement Stage

Sacred Mamma + Birth-keeper Space - overseen by Samsara and Kemi

Each workshop is 90 minutes long and usually for around c.30-60 women at a time, and the exchange for all Musicians and Teachers is a free pass for the whole weekend + 1 food token on the day of workshop/set.

Unfortunately because we are still such a small festival - we are unable to cover travel costs at this time, as the festival grows - we hope this will change!    

We will be spending the whole of April as a team going through each application and using a pendulum to make the final decision.

We honour and pay deep reverence for each and everyone of you for wanting to apply and share your Magic at the festival.

Please know this festival is just the beginning - with the Mystery School being birthed and the Temple being built and being asked to bring Heart of the Rose to other festivals this year - there will be more spaces becoming available to offer your beautiful work - as the months/years progress.

Thank you beautiful Rose sister’s!

We look forward to reading your application and will be in touch soon.

p.s. because of the amount of women that are wanting to apply - we are kindly asking that if you have already shared at Heart of the Rose for the last 2 years in a row than to please not apply this year. This is to help give some space for other women that may wish to share. You are most welcome to apply again next year and we want to say the BIGGEST AND DEEPEST gratitude for all you have each brought and shared over these years that has literally made Heart of the Rose what it is!

Truly! We love you and we thank you from the depth’s of our heart’s!!



Thank you for your applications! We will to be in touch with everyone who has applied during the second week of May.

Please don’t get in touch sooner.